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Welcome to Recursion Software

Founded in 2001, Recursion Software is a leader in distributed computing, mobile agents,
middleware, and mobile device computing, with over 80 patents and applications. We apply our deep technical heritage to accelerate development and deployment of mission critical mobile applications and SCADA software.

SCADA-Aware Mobile is a solution for improving the effectiveness of SCADA Software system alarm notification. The solution helps to effectively send out or manage alarm notification to a distributed, mobile workforce; and save time, reduce resource allocation, improve safety, and increase data security. It provides – among other features – remote access to the SCADA system during an alarm, proximity-based alarm notification for important personnel closest to the event, and automatic logging for initiation, receipt, and acknowledgment of the notification. It has a dedicated application that facilitates all this for and through mobile devices.

SCADA-Aware Mobile

For the most effective alarm notification to a distributed, mobile workforce SCADA-Aware Mobile SCADA SOFTWARE  delivers alarms directly to your phone using state-of-the-art push-pull technology and automated escalation. Get alarms on your phone on time wherever you are. Get the facts on SCADA Aware Mobile today.

Can your business afford to miss a SCADA alarm?

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