How does SAM provide more “actionable awareness” on alarms?

    • The Client receiving an alarm will ALWAYS generate an automatic positive acknowledgement to the server, an event recorded in the audit log.
    • The Event Server records in the audit log each time an alarm update cannot be promptly delivered to a Client.
    • If the Event Server detected that an alarm cannot be delivered to any Client, the server generates a system alarm that is normally configured for delivery to supervisory team members. The audit log contains a record of each of these system alarm events.
    • Default reports provide detailed information on each alarm’s lifecycle. For example, if an alarm arrives from the event source at 1:20 p.m. and is acknowledged by someone at escalation level 3 (the highest level) at 3:47 p.m., a customized report can be generated showing for that tag that contains the following information.

– When the alarm arrived at the Event Server from the underlying event source

– When the Event Server delivered the alarm to escalation level 0 recipients

– What time the Event Server escalated the alarm from level 0 to 1, 1 to 2, and 2 to 3

– Which users were supposed to receive the alarm at each level of escalation

– Who actually received the alarm at what time

– Who acknowledged the alarm and when

– Which users were supposed to receive the acknowledgement update

– Which users actually received the acknowledgement update

– When the underlying event source informed the Event Server that the alarm returned to a non-alarm state

This level of detailed reporting enables managers to examine the effectiveness of his or her team in responding to alarms. Overall, the detailed alarm history created by the SCADA-Aware Mobile server contributes to the reliability of the entire solution, and gives relevant personnel important control over, and awareness of, system performance.