- A high-tech manufacturer facing issues with lost alarm, delayed response, and lost production at their state-of-the-art plant. SCADA-Aware Mobile provides the solution through increased reliability of alarm delivery to mobile device, automated alarm escalations and increased accountability. Reduces downtime and eliminates waste of personnel time.
- Published
- May, 2013
- SCADA System Alarm Notification Options for Workforce in a Plant Environment

- For those businesses that use it, SCADA and Process Controls systems are a critical part of their infrastructure and production environment. To maximize the system’s benefits, it is essential to have reliable handling of, and proper response to, alarms. This paper presents a solution for improving the effectiveness of SCADA system alarm notifications in a factory or plant. The solution covers how to most effectively send out or manage alarm notification to the workforce; and how to save time, reduce resource allocation, improve safety and increase data security.
- Author
- John Patoskie, Vice President, Engineering and Development, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- October, 2012
- SCADA System Alarm Notification Options for a Mobile Workforce

- For those businesses that use it, SCADA systems are a critical piece of their infrastructure. To maximize the system’s benefits, it is essential to have reliable handling of, and proper response to, alarms. This paper presents a solution for improving the effectiveness of SCADA system alarm notifications. The solution covers how to most effectively send out or manage alarm notification to a distributed, mobile workforce; and how to save time, reduce resource allocation, improve safety, and increase data security.
- Author
- John Patoskie, Vice President, Engineering and Development, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- November, 2011
- Time Library: A Great Tool to Manage Time and Date

- Time and date calculation is essential to application development. Even though it sounds simple, it can often be quite complex. This article explores a set of APIs (Application Programming Interface) offered by Recursion’s Time Toolkit that greatly reduces the complexity of handling issues such as time zones and daylight saving time. This can be especially valuable for businesses that have multiple customer bases, operational bases, or suppliers around the world and that need an accurate and efficient way to handle date and time.
- Author
- Katherine Ye, Senior Software Engineer, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- September, 2011
- Next-Generation Pervasive Network & Software Architecture

- The growth of connected devices is increasing the need for a pervasive platform that provides interoperability, data sharing, mobile collaboration, and seamless “follow me” content and services. In this paper, learn how a federated, efficient, high-performance, and network friendly pervasive platform and architecture powers these capabilities.
- Authors
- Sateesh Addepalli, Advanced Architecture & Research, Cisco Systems
- Bob DeAnna, Chief Technology Officer, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- November, 2010
- Pervasive Virtual Information Exchange Platform: A Federated Architecture from Sensory Swarms to Mobile Devices to the Cloud

- This paper will discuss the pervasive software and network architecture required to form the foundation of Distributed Knowledge Networks (DKNs) and Intelligent Sensor Networks (ISNs) that span home and office, mobile and embedded devices, sensors, autos, and the cloud. The paper will highlight how such foundations accelerate the development and adoption of immersive geo-spatial decision spaces where mashed up isolated data sets from public, private, and/or non-profit sources are combined with human networking and social networking capabilities.
- Authors
- Sateesh Addepalli, Advanced Architecture & Research, Cisco Systems, Inc.
- Bob DeAnna, Chief Technology Officer, Recursion Software, Inc.
- J.D. Stanley III, Public Sector Chief Technology Officer, Internet Business Solutions Group, Cisco Systems, Inc.
- Published
- October, 2010
- Universal Services & The Connected World

- Advancements in mobile capabilities have enables creation of breakthrough applications facilitated by Machine-to-Machine Knowledge Networks (M2M-KN). Learn how agent-based intelligent middleware can enable collaborative device communities share real time content regardless of platform or OS.
- Author
- Mike Eddings, Director, Government & Solutions, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- July, 2010
- Recursion C++ DSP Toolkit Libraries

- Developing complex applications, such as video, and keeping them adaptive is a real problem in the Digital Signal Processing area. Easy to use, high performance tools can alleviate this problem to a large extent. Recursion C++ Toolkit is a commercial off-the-shelf product that provides a wide range of features for application developers using the Texas Instruments DM6437 and other similar processors. These features provide both easy abstractions to the complex OS layer APIs and are also a high performance enhancement to the native compilers in the TI Code Composer Studio. This white paper provides a brief description of the Recursion C++ Toolkit, its advantages, and coding samples.
- Published
- August, 2009
- Overcoming Mobile Fragmentation: Building Applications for Multiple Operating Systems

- Growth of multiple mobile platforms is a nightmare for application developers trying to maintain compatibility and interoperability. This paper discusses some of the challenges and trade-offs developers must make and highlights one solution to overcoming them.
- Published
- February, 2009
- Next-Generation Strategies for DSP and ARM Development

- Programming for DSP and ARM devices presents a common set of challenges for software engineers. Business managers will choose chipsets based on specific requirements, such as price, performance, history, and business relationships among other factors. Yet, it is software engineers that are burdened with compatibility and testing issues and ultimately will have to write code to multiple processors, likely with highly varied code bases. While the future dominance of the DSP and ARM processor market can be debated, devices built with either processor will likely remain in the market for many years to come. This paper offers cross-platform software solutions and a vision for next-generation software development.
- Published
- January, 2009
- Database Toolkit: Portable and Cost Effective Software

- Database programming is no easy task, with expectations constantly running high. This paper explores the benefit of using the Database Toolkit in a client server environment, and covers examples of basic database operations using the Database Toolkit.
- Author
- Katherine Ye, Software Engineer, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- November, 2008
- Real-time Robot Animation: Building the Skeleton of a Software Brain using Massive, Maya and a Real-Time C++ Framework

- Adjusting to continually changing requirements is a real problem developers face. This challenge can be overcome by careful planning, which includes finding the right tools that provide flexibility and extensibility. Read this case study to learn how Hanson Robotics delivers cutting edge robots by leveraging software tools to develop a real-time C++ robot control framework and successfully respond to changes along the way. Lessons learned include how to deal with changing requirements due to legacy code, integration issues, performance problems, and dependencies on 3rd party code.
- Author
- Bob Hauser, Director of Software, Hanson Robotics
- Published
- June, 2008
- Voyager Edge for First Responders

- First Responders need first-hand expert knowledge and automated monitoring of people, equipment, and supplies. This paper shows how Voyager can help achieve that by connecting agencies, personnel, and databases in an uncertain network, while filtering or stratifying information.
- Author
- Teresa Lipari, Business Development, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- November, 2007
- Device Communities: Embedded here, there and everywhere is now”

- Today, your toothbrush cannot scold you to floss more. Nor can your smart phone actively seek out new mobile social networks in real time or enable ad hoc gaming with other people in your immediate location. It seems almost utopian to imagine a world where junk mail and spam are replaced by location-based, opt-in advertising. These ads would be proactively delivered by intelligent software that knows end users’ interests and needs. A world in which autonomous, intelligent devices communicate, collaborate, and network is a concept hitherto relegated to the Sci-Fi channel. Yet with recent breakthroughs in intelligent middleware, collaborative device communities are possible today for the developers bold enough to embrace this new world vision.
- Author
- Bob DeAnna, Chief Technology Officer, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- October, 2007
- Beyond the Internet: Building Location-Based Services for Multi-platform Device Communities

- Autonomous intelligent devices communicating, collaborating and discovering each other is not a vision confined to Sci-Fi any more – it’s real now. Read this paper to learn how to create these intelligent apps and prepare your organization for the next generation of multi-platform software.
- Author
- Bob DeAnna, Chief Technology Officer, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- October, 2007
- Building a Mobile 2.0 World: Information and Process Sharing within Wireless Ad-Hoc Communities

- IT organizations must prepare for the challenges and opportunities presented by the explosion of wireless and embedded devices within the workforce and on the “playing field”. Mobile 2.0 must be more than just mobilizing the web. This paper shows how a platform that allows sharing of information and processes across multiple devices including smartphones, ultra-mobile PCs, sensors, RFID readers, and servers. Dynamic gaming, RFID, and multi-party workflow scenarios are covered. Also, scenarios and code samples that will stir the imagination towards building applications of the future are included.
- Author
- Bob DeAnna, Chief Technology Officer, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- August, 2007
- Mobile Objects and Mobile Agents: The Future of Distributed Computing?

- This paper will lead you into the world of mobile agents, an emerging technology that makes it very much easier to design, implement, and maintain distributed systems. You will find that mobile agents reduce the network traffic, provide an effective means of overcoming network latency, and perhaps most importantly, through their ability to operate asynchronously and autonomously of the process that created them, helps you to construct more robust and fault-tolerant. Read on and let us introduce you to software agents – the mobile as well as the stationary ones. We will explain all the benefits of mobile agents and demonstrate the impact they have on the design of distributed systems before concluding this paper with a brief overview of some contemporary mobile agent systems.
- Author
- Danny B. Lange, General Magic, Inc.
- Published
- April, 2007
- Simulation Monitoring Using Intelligent Mobile Agent Technology

- This paper presents a next generation intelligent, mobile agent platform offering a solution to the current problems faced in simulation environments. Voyager, used in the Department of Defense’s Joint After Action Review project, demonstrates the approach discussed in the paper.
- Authors
- Bob Peterson, Senior Architect and Engineer, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Bob DeAnna, Chief Technology Officer, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- January, 2007
- Maximizing Oil & Gas Asset Performance Using a Distributed Knowledge Network

- The foremost challenge to maximizing oil and gas asset performance is the integration, fusion, analysis, and dissemination of sensor data. This paper discusses how Recursion’s Voyager Edge intelligent agent software enables a distributed knowledge network with intelligent analysis and prioritization for the Oil & Gas industry.
- Authors
- A. Rick Habayeb, Ph.D., Information Technology Research Professor and Program Manager, Virginia Tech University
- Bob DeAnna, Chief Technology Officer, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- 2006
- Next Generation Intelligent, Mobile, Widely Distributed Applications: Solving Tomorrow’s Software Development Challenges Today

- We are on the cusp of the next giant step in software applications. It is a new frontier, which is there for the bold of mind to embrace. This new caliber of applications will be hugely beneficial to mankind, the quality of all of our lives, and the safety and security of our nation. These applications will be pervasive and impact every aspect of our lives…how we work, learn, communicate, receive medical care, travel, shop, and play. Today’s environment demands tools that will empower organizations to build intelligent, mobile applications that interoperate numerous platforms and protocols. These applications will be self-learning, widely distributed and dynamic, run on multiple wireless networks, as well as embedded or wireless edge devices while maintaining interoperability with enterprise systems.
- Author
- Bob DeAnna, Chief Technology Officer, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- 2006
- Comparison of Toolkit 2.0 and .NET Framework 2.0 Collections

- C# Toolkit 2.0 implements the .NET Framework 2.0 features of generic programming. The C# Toolkit 2.0 has been updated with generic type parameters and an expanded data structure family over the previous release. This paper provides a brief introduction to generics in C#, describes the new features in C# Toolkit 2.0 and discusses how it compares with the .NET Framework 2.0 collections.
- Author
- Greg Cowin, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- 2006
- Case Study: Department of Defense Joint After Action Review

- Learn how, utilizing Voyager Edge Intelligent Mobile Agent Framework from Recursion, the US Department of Defense streamlined the access, filtering and analyzing of data stored in heterogeneous systems. This solution was implemented in less than four weeks.
- Published
- 2006
- A Distributed Knowledge Network for the Secure Border Initiative SBInet

- This paper explores a solution to meet the needs of the US Governments Secure Border Initiative (SBI) and the creation of SBINet. The foundation of such a system requires the ability to intelligently integrate surveillance data from all available sources. Voyager is the first platform to seamlessly integrate fundamental distributed computing with mobile agent technology, and was designed from the ground up to support communications between mobile objects and autonomous agents. This paper demonstrates how these capabilities plus comprehensive and flexible security features meet the needs of SBINet.
- Published
- 2006
- Fault-Tolerant Simulation Environments Using Intelligent Mobile Agent Technology

- DOD, NASA, FAA, DOE, industry and academia use simulators to conduct studies otherwise infeasible or impossible to perform and measure. In the past, advancements in high-performance computing have focused on producing larger and more accurate simulations, while the problem of how to transform the output — possibly terabytes of data — into knowledge has been neglected. Recursion Software is working with its clients to offer a solution to the current problems faced in simulation environments including large amounts of data to be processed across less-then-reliable mobile networks.
- Author
- Bob DeAnna, Chief Technology Officer, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- 2006
- Invensys Case Study

- Invensys is a world leader in industrial process automation. With many control system vendor products based on proprietary hardware and software, Invensys needed a solution that made it possible to develop an industry-wide, vendor-neutral solution to Control Systems Management, scalable to the complexity of any given system. Using the advanced features of Voyager and Voyager Messaging, Invensys implemented the Refinery Off-Sites Solutions Suite, the first of a generation of standards-based, open industrial systems designed to meet the total measurement, control, and real-time information requirements of their customers.
- Published
- 2006
- The Voyager SOA Platform SOA Without all the Framework Baggage

- Solve Problems without wasting your time learning overly complex SOA code and configurations. Imagine learning EJB or SOAP in 5 minutes? Can’t be done, right? I learned the basics of Voyager in 5 minutes. Easy is nice, but is it powerful? Let’s see why it is the best SOA solution on the market. Use unaltered Java objects (POJOs); No messy wrappers or compile time code injection, or complex XML configuration files. Add/Modify/Remove services at runtime. Use remote calls or rich messaging API that support async, sync, broadcast, and more. Under-the-covers magic means Voyager doesn’t require lots of boilerplate code or complex XML files. Stable, proven, and robust. Connect with C, C++, CORBA, DOCOM, .NET, and SOAP services and even legacy Java binary code.
- Author
- Daniel Brookshier, Java Architect, Network Solutions
- Published
- 2005
- Generic Programming, Java Generic, and JGL 5.0

- JGL Toolkit 5.0 brings JDK 5.0 features to generic programming in the spirit of the C++ Standard Template Library (STL). The JGL Toolkit has been brought up to date with generic type parameters and an expanded component set and functionality over previous releases. JGL started out as being very much about collections. With the advent of the Java Collections framework, JGL’s unique approach to generic programming with specialized iterators, containers, functions, and predicates have endeared themselves to large numbers of programmers. Now, JGL has been updated with generic type parameters to classes and static methods.
- Author
- James C. Bender, Software Engineer, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- 2005
- High Volume Transaction Processing in Enterprise Applications

- Performance and scalability continue to be critical factors in the development and deployment of enterprise software. Web Services technologies require more processing power and bandwidth than binary protocols due to the use of XML as an underlying encoding. At Recursion Software, we understand that today’s implementation of Web Services may not provide the performance and scalability some systems demand. As part of our Adaptive Technology Approach, our products support a binary protocol in addition to the standard Web Services protocols. This paper documents the performance and scalability of Voyager’s binary protocol (Release 4.8).
- Author
- Thomas Wheeler, Senior Architect, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- 2005
- Voyager Architecture Best Practices

- Java is the language and environment of choice today for developing enterprise software systems. Voyager is a Java-centric platform for developing distributed software systems. This paper describes some architectural best practices when developing software systems with Voyager. These best practices are described in the context of Voyager features and capabilities.
- Author
- Thomas Wheeler, Senior Architect, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- 2005
- Grid Computing with Voyager

- Grid computing will be the norm of the future. Grid systems and applications aim to integrate, virtualize, and manage resources and services within distributed, heterogeneous, dynamic “virtual organizations”. The realization of this goal requires overcoming the numerous barriers that normally separate different computing systems within and across organizations. An effective and efficient grid system requires that computers, application services, data, and other resources can be accessed as and when required, regardless of physical location.
- Author
- Saikumar Dubugunta, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- 2005
- Generic Programming with JGL 4

- This article provides a brief introduction to generic programming concepts and discusses how JGL®, the Generic Library for Java, from Recursion Software, Inc. supports generic programming. The intended audience for this article is the Java developer with moderate familiarity with Java 2 Collections API concepts, such as collections and iterators.
- Author
- John Lammers, Software Engineer, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- 2004
- STL in Action: Helper Algorithms

- This article introduces a new column called “STL in Action.” Each installment will describe a way to either utilize or extend the C++ Standard Template Library (STL). This article considers several approaches for making the STL algorithms easier to use and less prone to programmer error.
- Author
- Graham Glass, Chief Architect, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- 2004
- STL in Action: A Universal Streaming Service

- Now that STL is becoming an established part of every C++ toolkit, programmers are eager to add nonstandard extensions to STL that make it more powerful. In my last column, I described the concept of helper algorithms, which are a nonintrusive way to make STL algorithms easier to use. In this column, I describe a universal streaming service (USS) that allows STL containers and other classes to be stored into a file or sent across an interprocess communication mechanism. USS is a lightweight mechanism that allows processes to make objects persistent and transportable without incurring the expense and overhead of a full object database or object communication system such as CORBA.
- Author
- Graham Glass, Chief Architect, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- 2004
- Asynchronous Programming with Futures, Future Threads, and Traps

- Often processes execute in parallel by enabling applications to be multi-threaded, allowing system resources of multi-processor machines to process more efficiently and reduce computing time. Sometimes it is necessary to use a thread to process information and return its result. This can be done by passing an object, which will hold the result, to the constructor of the thread during thread creation. However, there is a danger of using the result too early, when the thread has not yet completed. This article discusses different approaches to solving this problem by presenting iterations of a simple application using a single-threaded model; using a multi-threaded model; using conditions for synchronization; using futures and future threads for deferred blocking; and using traps to decouple completion times between threads. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of each approach are outlined.
- Author
- Dong Nguyen, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- 2004
- Voyager and Software Agents Applied to Simulation-Based Training and Exercise Management

- An Incident Management System, real or simulated, is an exercise within a distributed environment with many diverse clients (first responders, agencies, sensors, databases, etc.) networked over distances by radio or computer. Ideally, a wireless system that is seamlessly scalable and provides high-level security without absorbing huge amounts of bandwidth can be adapted to the needs of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) immediately, and in the near future enhanced with additional components to broaden the scope of such a powerful tool. This paper describes the data communications infrastructure needed for NIMS simulation-based training.
- Author
- James C. Bender, M.S., Software Engineer, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- 2004
- Platform Independent Client/Server Communication with Full C++ Types

- This paper outlines a solution to provide platform independent client/server communication with full C++ types, and describes how services can be written entirely in C++ without any consideration of their transport. The solution allows the exposure of services in full C++ data types and features like templates and multiple-inheritance, etc., and is independent of the platform, so that a C++ program on Windows can exchange complex data with a C++ program on Linux, in fast binary format. In this article we present an optimal solution for exposing C++ objects.
- Author
- Dr. Zorabi Honargohar, Senior Software Engineer, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- 2004
- Persistent, Reliable JMS Messaging Integrated Into Voyager’s Distributed Application Platform

- Voyager Messaging is an implementation of the Sun JMS 1.0.2b specification, based on Voyager, Recursion Software’s distributed computing platform. The following provides an introduction to messaging middleware and explores two of its common applications. The following also illustrates the function and value of three key features of Voyager Messaging: shared persistence architecture, client persistence, and message batching.
- Author
- Ron Hough, Recursion Software, Inc
- Published
- 2003
- Developing Peer Applications with Voyager

- Over the past few years, innovative collaborative technologies have appeared enabling people to join together and participate in new ways. Distributed computing projects such as SETI@home have empowered users to donate the unused computing cycles of their own systems to work on large computational problems. Instant messaging services allow millions of people to communicate and collaborate in real time. Peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing, through applications like Gnutella and Freenet, has offered a radically new mechanism for Internet users to find and share files directly with each other, often without requiring a central authority or server. These are specific, narrow examples of P2P technology. True P2P computing requires a platform that makes it easy to build a wide network of distributed services and applications in which every device is addressable as a peer and peers can easily and dynamically communicate and interoperate.
- Author
- Thomas Wheeler, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- 2003
- Programming with the C# Toolkit

- With the evolution of the Internet to what it is today, companies have taken full advantage of the speed with which they can acquire the wealth of information that is available. Most likely, these companies employ software developers to come up with the means to process such huge quantities of information. The problem that developers often encounter when working with groups of information is that algorithm-specific logic can get littered throughout their code. To compound the problem, the enumerator provided by the .NET Framework is not sufficiently equipped for practical use. Recursion Software’s C# Toolkit™ solves these problems by providing a set of containers, iterators, and algorithms to help developers cope with the increasing demands of an information-driven business.
- Author
- Dong Nguyen, Recursion Software, Inc.
- Published
- 2002